الجمعة، 10 نوفمبر 2017
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ازياء 2017 فساتين عالميه فساتين سهرات مشاهي
ر فساتين وحفلات للنجوم
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ازياء 2017 فساتين عالميه فساتين سهرات مشاهير فساتين وحفلات للنجوم
مصممه فساتين للسهرات والحفلات 2017
فساتين مصممه فى لبنان لنجوم الفنانين الليساء نجوى كرم نانسى عجرم اصاله
فساتين لك سيدتى 2017
الأحد، 30 يوليو 2017
فساتين كوكتيل فساتين سهرة 2018
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فساتين فساتين خطوبة 2018 ، فساتين فساتين دانتيل 2018 ازياء حفلات فساتين
فساتين سهرات فساتين جزائرية للبيت 2018 فساتين زفاف 2018
فساتين جزائرية للبيت فساتين نجوى كرم
السبت، 22 يوليو 2017
Oil at 80 dollars, up 1 percent
Oil at 80 dollars, up 1 percent, with expectations of increased demand
Futures prices of crude oil near 80 dollars a barrel to settle at the end of Ta which dominated the concerns raised earlier that the cause of the decline of credit tightening, demand growth in the largest country in terms of oil consumption in the world.
He played down the Federal Reserve raised speculation that the sudden the discount rate on Thursday, marking a change in monetary policy. Oil prices fell initially after the Council lifted the discount rate a quarter percentage point to 0.75 percent.
The government data showed U.S. consumer prices rose only 0.2 percent in January, reassuring investors that the policy of access to credit helped lift the world's largest economy from recession and fueled the demand for fuel is likely to continue.
And when you close the deal in the New York Mercantile Exchange, the price of U.S. light crude in March contracts settled at 75 cents, or 0.95 percent to 79.81 dollars a barrel, after falling earlier in more than dollars to 77.76 dollars a barrel.
In London, Brent crude jumped European benchmark crude 44 cents to 78.22 dollars a barrel.
Meanwhile, Mohammad Ali Haiti representative of Iran in the OPEC: It's based on predictions, the global demand for oil in the second half of 2010 will increase an average of one million to 4.1 million would bring the price of oil. The official said the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries "OPEC": The members of the organization plans to spend up to 65 billion dollars in the petroleum industry manufacturing to expand refineries and boost production from petroleum products refined during the next five years to meet the increasing demand for these basic materials in the promotion of industrial development. He pointed out that 40 billion dollars will be invested within the OIC countries to increase production capacity of refined products in Member States by two million barrels a day to reach 10 million barrels per day while that will be about 25 billion dollars for investments outside the organization to contribute in strengthening the capacity of the world refineries and of empowering the supplies of refined petroleum international markets hungry for this kind of fuel.
He played down the Federal Reserve raised speculation that the sudden the discount rate on Thursday, marking a change in monetary policy. Oil prices fell initially after the Council lifted the discount rate a quarter percentage point to 0.75 percent.
The government data showed U.S. consumer prices rose only 0.2 percent in January, reassuring investors that the policy of access to credit helped lift the world's largest economy from recession and fueled the demand for fuel is likely to continue.
And when you close the deal in the New York Mercantile Exchange, the price of U.S. light crude in March contracts settled at 75 cents, or 0.95 percent to 79.81 dollars a barrel, after falling earlier in more than dollars to 77.76 dollars a barrel.
In London, Brent crude jumped European benchmark crude 44 cents to 78.22 dollars a barrel.
Meanwhile, Mohammad Ali Haiti representative of Iran in the OPEC: It's based on predictions, the global demand for oil in the second half of 2010 will increase an average of one million to 4.1 million would bring the price of oil. The official said the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries "OPEC": The members of the organization plans to spend up to 65 billion dollars in the petroleum industry manufacturing to expand refineries and boost production from petroleum products refined during the next five years to meet the increasing demand for these basic materials in the promotion of industrial development. He pointed out that 40 billion dollars will be invested within the OIC countries to increase production capacity of refined products in Member States by two million barrels a day to reach 10 million barrels per day while that will be about 25 billion dollars for investments outside the organization to contribute in strengthening the capacity of the world refineries and of empowering the supplies of refined petroleum international markets hungry for this kind of fuel.

The importance of gold
The importance of gold
He knew the gold and its value has emerged since ancient times, easily formed metal more than any other metal. In addition to the easy availability of gold in its pure form. The beauty of gold and luster, and resistance to corrosion of metals has made him outstanding in the various arts and crafts since ancient times. Given the relative rarity of gold has been used as currency and the basis for international.

الخميس، 27 أبريل 2017
Gold 2017
Definition of physical and chemical properties of gold :
Gold is a metallic chemical symbol (Au), one of the elements known since antiquity. It was possession of gold, turquoise, yellow, bright and attractive sign of wealth for thousands of years.
A shiny yellow metal in the form of blocks can reflect the light seems Cefaiha tortillas green or blue. The gold section Tkotaia accurate - is characterized by painted metal - while there are other types of gold ranging in color from ruby and purple.

The gold in the transition team No. 1
the periodic table of chemical elements, and atomic number (79), and mass Agency (196.967), and melt gold at a temperature of (1064) degrees Celsius, and boils at (2856) degrees Celsius, and gold a good conductor of heat and electricity.
The pure gold of the most viable types of metal for roads and clouds, where you can hit him or his ways, even up to the intensity (0.000013) cm. Can also form a golden wire length (100) km from the amount of $ (29) grams. Gold and one of the most metal soft bodied, with a hardness of (2.5) to (3) on a scale of hardness.
The pure gold of the most viable types of metal for roads and clouds, where you can hit him or his ways, even up to the intensity (0.000013) cm. Can also form a golden wire length (100) km from the amount of $ (29) grams. Gold and one of the most metal soft bodied, with a hardness of (2.5) to (3) on a scale of hardness.
And gold of a very noble metal is not affected by air or heat or humidity. And dissolves in concentratedmineral acids known, such as hydrochloric acid, and sulfuric, phosphoric, and nitric acid but dissolves in aqua regia a mixture ofhydrochloric and nitric acid centers.